What does it mean to be an Omega?
In the history of humankind we’ve been taught that the predominant figure or symbol of ultimate strength is the Alpha, an individual that imposes dominance through a variety of skills that place it on “top of the food chain”. Yet, all those traits of superiority fall short when it comes to one fatal flaw: the ego's constant need of recognition from the less gifted.
The Omega, in the other hand, might have the same strengths and skill set or better, but relies on true confidence. It doesn’t see itself as better than the rest, and does not need to be compared to them. The Omega embraces the “let’s all make it through” mindset; remaining as a self-driven, adaptable figure that does not need to be loud or in the spotlight to make an impact in other’s lives.

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The Omega is that which is well balanced between Tiger and Dragon energies, accepting both:
It’s existence exploring this physical plane.
It’s divinity as part of the beyond.